Hello, my little marrionettes. Again a hello to new followers, do introduce yourselves and leave me a link to your blog if you have one!
On with the post. As you might have noticed from previous music posts I love folk and celtic music. Today I'm going to post some from a band I've been hearing a lot of lately, since they're one of Shaun's favourites, Scottish folk group, the Old Blind Dogs.
There is something inescapably gothic about Celtic music. Perhaps the dark themes, perhaps the complete indearance towards things we as a culture hold dear - fairies, demons, and ghosts. Who knows? It rocks. That's what matters.
And syphillis.
Can't forget syphillis.
And about George the First. The scots hated them some Georgie.
As a bonus, here's an Irish folk song, here performed by the Irish Rovers. It's about whiskey bringing someone back to life.
That'll do for today I think. Hope you enjoyed my fancies.
Much love!
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7 years ago
hey babe. check it out.
I must admit the first song is hella catchy :P Might even be catchy enough to get favorited.
Blog: http://lifeofababybat.blogspot.com/
Katelyn - thanks babe! Gorgeous blog header.
As for you, mate, omg u so controversial! Lol no we've actually been discussing how small your dick must be and how lax your mum must be to let you live in her basement.
Hi! I'm a new follower! :D We have similar tastes, it seems ;)
Follow my blog if you want, I'm a medieval/fantasy model at first. Then, an historian.
Cheers! www.daniellefiore.blogspot.com
Hi Danielle! Thanks very much. I followed you, but unfortunarely my knowledge of Italian is, well, minimal. Very minimal. >< Hopefully I will be able to make out some things, though!
Please give me a step-by-step on why I would care what you have to say?
Furthermore, your opinion isn't "different to me". It is, plain and simple, a load of shit. You're a sad person.
A lot of people. Yep. Okay, tell them all to email me and I will speak to them privately.
If someone has a problem with something I say, usually they contact me in private, like a person not seeking attention. And we talk about it. I have no problem with being criticised. I have a problem with people being rude. Like you, for example.
Oh, hey, I noticed you haven't responded to my grandmother calling YOU out. Why is that?
I didn't delete it. I was busy doing other things. I have comment moderation on. Try not to seem so pathetic by checking back every fifteen seconds to see if a girl has spoken to you. My grandmother is praying for you, by the way. Feel blessed. She only does that for the extreme cases.
Actually, I marked them as spam. What you are doing isn't "freedom to express your opinion". It's harassment.
You should be thankful, mate. Very thankful.
Yes. It would be, if you stayed on your blog. However, coming to other people's blogs, insulting them, calling them names and contradicting yourself just to be irritating is not "expression of opinion". It is harassment.
Just go away. You are not the Encyclopedia Dramatica. In fact, even THEY would be ashamed of you.
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