Firstly, this.
Secondly, I fixed the poll.
Thirdly, I woke up this morning to about 25 emails from my blog? Holy shit! (that'll teach me to sleep!) I got around to responding responding to everyone - check back on those posts, because I did - and finally got onto my dashboard.
I've got ninety followers now. Ninety followers. Holy shit. Wtf is this. I sat there like a stunned mullet for a bit. It's insane. Ninety followers? What? Here's where my thoughts went.
"Ninety? Fucking hell. Where did they all come from, overnight? Who could have told them about blag? What the hell is going o-amy."
There we have it, ladies and....probably more ladies except I think two of you are dudes. Check out those gushing comments directed at me. Wow. XD I didn't know i was so adored?
Guess I have some work to do! In which case, I love you all, I'll be back later, for another Mareep post!.
party on, my lovely sweet goths!
PS: My nephew doesn't know I'm home. he is talking very loudly to himself. I'm going to scare the shit out of him.
Manfaat Jeruk Nipis untuk Kesembuhan Penyakit
8 years ago
But I thought fezzes were cool :-o
(Captcha = "uddedd")
I added your "Victorian Lady for a Year" plan to my blog roundup for July!
Heh. Guilty as charged. ^^
The Doctor Who picture! Must Has! */saves to computer, makes wallpaper!
(CAPTCHA: feaschiz)
Year as a Victorian Lady? How could I not follow?
dunno who the nay-sayers are, but I think they're losing. XD
Unlacing the Victorians mentioned you on 30 July, that's how I found you.
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