We now have an LJ! A grand total of fuck all is posted there, so it's up to you guys to post your shit!
Filthy Victorians 2012 LJ
It is open to every and all, no account needed (although anon posts will be regulated just to filter trollin' and spam). Needing some admins and such, so jump on over.
For now, though, I'm going to go to sleep. It hasn't been a good day, really, and I got threatened by my friend's brother. It was hilarious. He pulled the whole "freak, hallowe'en is over" insult (and threatened to "bash my face in", which is - and this is the great part, you'll love this - illegal). My heart is fucking broken, man.
The funny thing is, he had the nerve to call me a freak, when his facebook photo is of him wearing a ladies' blouse and cutoff skinny jeans. He also has a feminine haircut. When you start calling a goth a freak, you should probably look in the mirror first, dear.
Now, I'm not saying it's wrong to dress like that. I'm saying it's off from the cultural norm. You know...like the goth subculture. Nice one, bucko. Nice one.
Manfaat Jeruk Nipis untuk Kesembuhan Penyakit
8 years ago
("Stablab" came up as my captcha. Hehe.)
People like that are insecure, as we all know - and if he's a closet case, which is possible with his style of clothing (not that I'm going with the stereotypes here, esp since I don't know the guy!), he'll be all the more likely to point the finger at others.
Also, getting really excited about Filthy Victorians! Though I think I'll end up being a Little Alice, due to my abysmal sewing skills and even worse wallet content. =P
Faery Jay
Although I'm not taking part in Filthy Victorians, I'll probably watch the comm and see all the anachronistic prettiness :3 I also have an LJ already, and I've modded for comms and forums before, so I wouldn't mind helping maintain it (this /is/ LJ after all), although not sure I'm on the computer enough to be very effective :L
Ah, LJ. The land of dramaz. I do like their icon system, though. And it can feel very lonely on BlogSpot :/
Your friend's brother sounds like an arse. Insult him in Cockney rhyming slang :3
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