So if you aren't part of my facebook legion or my twitterati, then you don't know this already - LIME CRIME IS FOLLOWING ME ON TWITTER.
Why on EARTH would Dough go, "hey, this person fucking hates me! I'm going to watch her post pictures of cats!"
There are a few possibilities here.
1: She doesn't know I hate her and is curious about me (unlikely)
2: She doesn't know I hate her and is going to try and sell me crap. (somewhat likely)
3: She knows I hate her and is going to try and sell me crap. (rather likely)
4: She knows I hate her and is going to send her minions after me (rather likely)
5: She's fucking insane. (definite)
What the hell, Xenis? :|
Don't know about Lime Crime? Check here (and click through all the other posts), here (also clickthough) and the extremely truthful Encyclopedia Dramatica article here. Still not convinced Deere is Satan herself and want to buy her stuff? Buy from tragicbeautiful - because if you're going to be unethical, be unethical with Melanie.
Manfaat Jeruk Nipis untuk Kesembuhan Penyakit
8 years ago
I look forward to seeing how this following unravels. ^^
I do have some Limecrime from a couple of years ago. I'm quite happy with it but lately I've been hearing too much weird stuff about Doe Deere to ever buy from her again...
I'm not surprised, it's not the first time I've heard of her following someone who doesn't her and her "business"
Seriously I need to fucking write about her but Idk if I can be bothered with the drama she might cause.
heeheehee, this has to be the most suspense creating post i've read today!
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