I have mentioned this brand before, but it only occured to me today to sort of...you know, google them. Anyway, imagine this:
Wee Kitty, but a young babybat, grasps hold of the first makeup of her life - and the brand emblazened on it? Bloody Mary.
Bloody Mary, I have to say, is an excellent place for someone to start with the goth makeup. It is brilliant quality (since the brand targets the special effects and movie industry), and although their Goth range may have some hilbearious mallgothery, it also has one of my favourite things: Their lipstick.
Their "Deepest Of Blood Red" lipstick was the first I ever owned, and the favourite colour of any lipstick I have ever had. The closest dupe I've found is Manic Panic "Blood Red", but the BM price is a grand...$3.95.
Other good things they sell are their eyeshadows. They're just fantastic. They also have bright-coloured mascara and, the holy grail, white mascara. Their white powders and cream foundations are to die for.
For Zombie Walkers, they sell all kinds of zombie special effects things. Like, literally everything. They have about fifteen different kinds of blood hanging around.
What else is great about them that I would recommend them to people who are new to makeup? They sell kits and instructions.
Kits. And instructions. So you get a whole bunch of things at once, along with tips on how to use them to make them good enough for the movies.
One last thing about Bloody Mary. These. Click that link. Go on. Do it. It will be the best moment of your gothy life.
Those, my dear gothlings, are bat eyeshadow applicators.
Bloody Mary Makeup - get onto it!
PS: Having trouble winning good old Dad over to the Goth Side? Your problems are solved - Bloody Mary sells hot sauce.
Manfaat Jeruk Nipis untuk Kesembuhan Penyakit
8 years ago
Gosh, I remember that day that we were at Goth Angel and Sonya gave us those free bloody-Mary eye crayon things.
So many great memories. I will never be able to go to a bank and not giggle again.
Those bat applicators are epic!
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