Firstly, a new blog: Xara Eats Xylophone. I named that blog. Yeah. Here's the conversation that lead to that.
Thursday, 30 June 2011
Linkstorm 1/7/11 - That's Some Funny Shit
Firstly, a new blog: Xara Eats Xylophone. I named that blog. Yeah. Here's the conversation that lead to that.
Xara Alice: -noms on xylophones-
Tutorial for an adorable vest from a pair of old pants, but you can make it from any length of sturdy material.
Wednesday, 29 June 2011
Clothing Sell/Swap!
Closeup of the pattern |
Bright purple laces. Slightly tangled. |
Tuesday, 28 June 2011
Lovechild Boudoir corsets - I have the Carnival Queen skirt and bustle, and the posture collar, and I love them. I'm interested in getting one of their corsets. I'm pretty sure they'll be extremely high quality, but I'd like your opinions and reviews.
Dracula Clothing corsets - I love Dracula Clothing very very much, and I'd like to invest in one of their corsets. Free shipping and pretty low prices - so it's not like I'd be losing much. Heard anything for and against?
Preparing to put up at least most of my clothes to swap and give away, should be up in an hour or so.
Much love, party on goths.
I Want Your Opinions! And a little bit of rage
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NEW GOGGLES. Unsure as to why my nose ring looks so ridiculously huge. |
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Little bro is all better. |
Tuesday, 21 June 2011
Backlog Post - Contains Me Giving Away Clothes
-Ridcully had severe tick paralysis not last night but the night before. He is still not eating and drinking, but is playing and seems happy, also he got to sleep on a lithium pad. Am calling the vet this afternoon for an update, will also update you guys
-GETTING RID OF OLD CLOTHES. I will be making a post with all old clothes I don't want anymore, which i would like to sell or, better yet, swap with you guys for other stuff. It includes a black and purple corset that no longer fits me, and possibly some converse and other shoes from my enormous collection.
-I'm leaving school again. I have lost five kilos since I started and I can't afford to let all that "wake up one day and i'm 39kg" thing happen again. It's driving me mental and making me sick. I will start year eleven next year in Melbourne, probably.
-Speaking of melbourne, what suburbs are good, and would anyone be interested in helping me get around in the first two weeks, since I am moving there despite never having been there, because it's cheaper and I can't stay at home any more?
-Speaking again of melbourne, I would like to throw a goth-and-alternative get-together in Melbourne at the start of summer (i really hope there will be furries). Would anyone be interested in coming/helping me organise? We could probably let some people stay at our place for a day or two during.
-No further update on the competition stuff. Because I've been ill and school and blah, and this whole business with the cats, I've been too busy. Will try and keep going for this week.
-Got several things in the mail - my Lovechild Boudoir order, which is AMAZING, and my two jewelry orders from DraculaClothing. Will review - but the cameo stuff is gorgeous.
-The Abbey Tournament coming up. Not sure if going. Really want to see shaun.
-Curled my hair the other day. I am currently all about the puffy curly pigtails. Will post pictures soon.
-Midfur is in December in Melbourne. Shaun and I are going, does anyone else want to attend with us?
-When I move to melbourne, we're getting a dog (as well as any of my cats that haven't been adopted out from the cat protection society yet/a new longhaired kittun). Any ideas on the breed? (heart set on a german shepherd, retriever or labradoodle? yes.)
I think that about does it for now. Nothing much else interesting is happening, other than being alone at Heather's. Will hopefully elaborate soon.
Much love! :3 (especially the furfags. <3)
Friday, 17 June 2011
Still A Bit Behind
This is exciting. I will hopefully be able to post pictures tomorrow at heather's if her internet wants to work. I have started on the skirt for Sophistique Noir, having completed the underskirt, I plan to start the overskirt this week. I hope, and our new internet modem should arrive then too.
Party on, goths. Much love.
Wednesday, 15 June 2011
Bad News, and a last plead
Anyway, the news. We're taking our kittens to the Cat Protection Society next week. Bas, til, sunday and cully are all going. Originally, it was going to be to the RSPCA, but i persuaded my sister otherwise. Please, please, if you're anywhere around were I live (including sydney and canberra) and want a cat, or can take one, please let me know. The CPS is amazing, and if they can't be rehomed, they will stay at the shelter. I am trying my best to find homes, but not having luck. Please pass it on.
At least at the CPS i can ask to be updated on their conditions and maybe get them back when i move. I love my cats, and this is a horrible blow to myself, but this is for the best, i suppose. My kitties will make some people happy, and will get all the right care we can't always afford. They really are excellent-natured and sweet things, and at least they'll be properly cared for at the shelter.
If you're in the Sydney area, or surrounding area, and decide to get a cat in the future, do go to the Cat Protection Society, Enmore Road, Newtown, Sydney - across the road from Gallery Serpentine, actually. I will be going with my dad and probably will buy some things while i'm there to stem the depression.
Please let people know, guys.
Much love.
Sunday, 12 June 2011
Century Post - Tired? Stressed? You'll feel better on cat.
Friday, 10 June 2011
Pick On Me First - Why I Just Don't Care
I'm pretty impervious nowadays to what people say to me. I mean, some things might upset me, and I might go home later and have a bit of a cry about it, but, you know, that's expected. So yeah, I might like my rainbow socks and my black lipstick and my fishnets, and I don't care what people say anymore. They're not attacking me. They're just jealous kids, being dickheads, frightened of what they don't understand. But there's an overwhelming amount of people who admire me for what I do - because I just don't seem to care about what people say about me. Boys like to spread rumours that I'm a lesbian. "Good." I say. "That means I won't have to contemplate breeding with you."
What matters more to me, is those other kids who get picked on. They're not picked on, when I'm around. Those poor kids, who aren't as used to it as me. The nice, quiet ones who get bullied to hell. The kids who want so much to be goth, or some other alt. fashion, but their every attempt is beaten down by others. If I'm there, being me all over that, then the bullies are distracted, and the poor kids who can't do anything, who are scared and alone, have some relief.
Come on, guys. Pick on me first. I don't give a shit what you say to me, so leave those kids alone, and come after someone who doesn't give a shit.
Also: some juniors threatened to rape me the other day. I just kind of stared and said, "I have a ten-year-old nephew taller than you. Can you even get hard? Go away."
Much love, guys.
Obligatory Red and Black Week Post.
Wednesday, 8 June 2011
No food tonight.
My sister is pissed off at me. Why? Because I'm here and her boyfriend isn't. Everyone around her is an affront to her because he can't come down. And I am sick of being treated this way.
Tonight, she went to buy dinner. Came home, and, funny story, nothing for me. She doesn't talk to me. She ignores me. So I'm sick, and have to go hungry tonight, and probably tomorrow, too, because it's only barely above freezing outside and I have no warm clothes. She keeps shouting at the cats, and makes me feel horrible for giving a shit about anything else.
I'm hungry, and i'm tired, and I'm sick, and I just want to be somewhere else. Again. Funny, how often this seems to happen.
Tuesday, 7 June 2011
New Blog Header! And Thanks, Hayley
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Monday, 6 June 2011
I Am Not Your Sexual Object
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An ankle?! The vapid whore! |
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Or both. |
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You never happened. |
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Say what you want to us. Just don't do this. |
Sunday, 5 June 2011
New Lipstick! Review Part One
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I laughed. |
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Love this packaging. |
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This one too. |
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This is a small part of my floordrobe. |
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Post-curled hair. |
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My Lady GaGa impression |