You ever have those days where everything goes wrong and you feel like shit? Yeah. So I couldn't help my family move my sister's stuff into the moving van because of my bad hip, chest and knees. One of my sisters has displaced spinal disks and my other one is pregnant. None of them listened when I said I couldn't help. My aunt hates me. My sister who I live with wants to spend no time with me and ignores me most of the time. My mother's coming out tomorrow and if I see her she'll probably scream and abuse me and then go cry to someone about how I'm a horrible person and how I started it all and she's some innocent flower. To top it off, I don't even know why the fuck I blog about anything, since no one reads this shit, and no one even gives a fuck about anything I have to say.
Shaun's phone is broken, too. So yay, I get to continue enjoying the effects of my already-severe separation anxiety and depression, all while being totally ignored by everyone else around me because I'm just some stupid, horrible burden to everyone and no one ever wants to talk to me.
Thanks for not reading/not caring at all, everyone.
Manfaat Jeruk Nipis untuk Kesembuhan Penyakit
8 years ago
I'm listening. I always listen to a SadCat in need of an ear.
I stopped being sad when I saw the insides of a bush rat.
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