Whilst doodling around the internet after a maker of tea gowns and household dress, i found this guide about Victorian-era living. Oh, and the book is totally available on ebay for cheap.
Buying it? Yes. yes I am.
Also I found this helpful article on hairstyles. <3 They have heaps more but I am yet to read them. Remember - having your hair hanging down is most unseemly for a young lady and is very very sexual. Or something. I'm not too sure where that idea came from. XD
More resources found after original post that I can't be bothered to type sentences about:
More hair, specifically a bun.
Here's a great eveningwear article.
Makeup makeup makeup. Amazing article and wobsite, thanks Stefanie for posting it to me! <3
If you find anything useful, please facebook/tweet/email/comment it to me and i will post it up for everyone.
Much love!
Manfaat Jeruk Nipis untuk Kesembuhan Penyakit
8 years ago
A source for everything Victorian.
Here's some craft ones, as it is what most women did with their day:
An online magazine with tidbits and crafts.
Just as it says.
And if you want to really get into, here's some 19th century English slang:
I was just reading that slang list last night, no joke.
oh you might like these links -
1870s hair - http://articles.glittersweet.com/howto/victorian/1870shair.htm
(this lady is VERY knowledgeable about historic dress)
Every fashion plate ive seen of ate victorian dress, the hair i eleborate, especially lots of plaits. They also seemed to LOVE frizzing hair using either ragcurling or with hot irons, which wrecked hair. But you'll see frizzed hair especially around the hairline inc the fringes.
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