Evening, my lovely little lynxes. (see what i did there it's called reiteration it emphasises that i heart you) I have been so sorely lacking in posts. D: i am very sorry, but i have been just so tired. I have my glasses now, so i'll definitely be able to get back to my usual rounds of posts and sewing and such excitement.
Sad news, my cat, Sebastian, has been missing for over a week now. He was chased off by his father, neville, who is a stray. I will be watching and searching for him always, and I decide to believe he has simply made friends with another family, as he is so lovely and kind.
My exhaustion has been getting to me more than usual, with headaches, drowsiness and overall feeling of being projected violently from some seamonster's rectum. I have been bothered with my depression and anxiety lately, moreso than usual, made worse by my physical illness.
In company of self, and Delilah (who is in heat and ergo confined inside), I hope to be able to post my new things up soon (there are many. maaaaany many).
HOWEVER do not expect much posting next week. Tuesday is my birthday.
Party on, goths.
Manfaat Jeruk Nipis untuk Kesembuhan Penyakit
8 years ago
I hope Sebastian comes back & that you feel better soon
Don't fret. My indoor cat escaped last year (right during my birthday week) when someone broke into my apartment. He was gone for 5 days and then just randomly showed back up. I never thought he would find his way back but he did. Sometimes it takes them a little longer!
That Con Artist
Best wishes for a safe homecoming for Sebastian. :( And have a happy birthday!!
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